Thursday, January 28, 2016

Fox News Google Debate Takeaway

Fox News Google Debate Takeaway

After watching the entire debate streaming online I think Fox delayed the stream by an hour so they could edit the stream. There were clips of Ted Cruz that I never saw. Granted I had to refresh my browser a couple times so maybe I missed it.

So lets do a takeway on the candidates and the moderators.

Ted Cruz
What little I heard of him was fairly well put together. There were some clips played afterwards which were not flattering to his image. Stick to the good humor jabs and speaking directly.

Ben Carson
A very smart and respected gentleman with no doubt a lot of common sense. No stage polish, nor practice in politics. Honestly, in dealing with global issues and talking with other leaders we need someone who has played the game. And more worrisome, whoever goes head to head with Hilary is going to have to be able to play to the crowd.

Marco Rubio
Okay obviously the darling of the news networks. Handsome, has some great speech skills. Does this man really have integrity and spine?

Rand Paul
Mr. Paul. You are very smart, and your hair makes you look like a fop. Also running on the platform of monetary responsibility is boring.

Chris Christie
You've already shown how you'll be as a President in the whitehouse. "I had not knowledge of Bridgegate, those responsible have been fired." Uh........not buying it. As their boss you are responsible, that's how command works. Suck it up.

John Kasich

Jeb Bush
Initially impressed with his speak abilities, then saw him falter and finish lamely a couple times when he got off his script. Bush's are known for their public speaking, that's why Clintons have bested them every time.

Fox News
Okay so you obviously have your favorite. I seems you slighted the most important candidate on the plateform denying him the opportunity to use this debate to get ahead of Trump, however it may also have been great because it revealed how poor the rest of the candidates are. Seriously please stop trying to push the handsome young Rubio ahead in the polls. He isn't going to make it this time.  

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