Monday, February 29, 2016

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton not so Different

I've been wondering if Trump is trust worthy, or if he needs for business purposes, another four years of democratic policy making which is why he is running as a Republican. You know, divide the party, and eventually lose to Hillary Clinton when she trots out his record to show he is part of the war on women.

In this video at the 1 minute mark Bill Clinton deftly throws it out there that Trump was friends with him. Nice casual off the cuff hint, but will it become more in a race against Hillary?

Here is another clip showing that Trump wanted to support Hillary.

Now are there any other connections? What is something Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have in common?

Guess what, Donald Trump is in support of Universal Health Care as well.

Sounds very much like Hillary's Universal Health Care. Now remember all presidential candidates make big promises. Republican, Democrat whatever.

And now the great Donald has flip flopped on his position. Why?

Donald Trump likes to compare himself to the modern day Regean. Here is what that President said about Donald and Hillary's healthcare plans.

So I have to ask, do you really want either Donald Trump making "deals" on capitol hill? It's obvious all the other politicians do. Do you really want Government health care?

A Story and a Question to you

Last time I had to talk to the government, they owed me a refund check. Having moved I was required to submit a change of address form. I have never lost my temper on the phone before, however when the public servant in a very patronizing tone informed me it wasn't their fault that I couldn't manage to  send in a simple change of address form, (after doing so three times) I lost my temper!!

I just imagine how much angrier I would be if I were waiting on government health care before my wife or child could get the care they needed. What would I do in this situation if instead I got a patronizing government bureaucrat? And what can you do? Take your money elsewhere? Write a nasty letter to some politician who's probably golfing in Hawaii or on a campaign trail?

Honestly what do you do when the government fails? Wait four years to elect someone else and hope your loved ones can hang on?

Who is the real Donald Trump?
He seems to be a self aggrandizing egotistical pompous businessman that is entirely untouchable in his own little world that whatever he is saying at the current moment IS the truth, and if you say otherwise, YOU'RE A LIAR!!!  

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Hillary on Gun Control

Hillary Clinton is pushing for control over "senseless" gun violence. Lets applaud her in that. Watch this youtube clip where she takes lines from the Declaration of Independence, i.e. Pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, and says it's a constitutional right that every American has as well, therefore we need gun control.

It's an interesting blurring of the lines between Declaration and Constitution, however one document grants us rights and citizens, while the other was to obtain those rights.

Now to set some things straight about gun control. Because if you listen carefully, Hillary specifically says "Gun Violence."

So lets looks at what happens when a country institutes gun control.

The Democrats and many people who think gun control will help, don't want to admit this. Some how they feel making laws to enforce laws will make things better. After all, you use a gun on someone in America, you better be well within your rights or you already will end up in serious trouble. And for a drop of common sense, whenever did law breakers begin abide by laws anyways where instituting gun control will work!

Have a look at this video I found on the gun ban in Australia.

It's just common sense people! There are bad people in the world. Politicians support 610 billion dollars of defense spending to guarantee our security from them. However what do they want the average citizen to do? Well that will probably be very unclear until its signed into law and like our socialized health care system, found to be very bad for the public.

Simple answer is this, stop trusting the government, stop supporting the candidate who is ultimately going to promote bigger government, and start using some common sense and sticking up for yourself.

And honestly, if you want to stick up for yourself with a brick, a knife, or some sticks when the bad guys come, that's fine, I wish you lots of luck. Personally I want a loaded pistol or very scary rifle if my home is invaded  and my wife and family threatened.

Use some common sense. The only thing that stops the bully from picking on you is to stand up to him. And if he has a gun and you don't, well how is that going to happen? Or do you think the criminal is going to abide by Hillary Clinton's gun laws?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Trump can't win against Hillary

Donald Trump deserves credit for turning the "politically correct" world on it's ears. And I have a certain amount of respect for him self funding his campaign. However we did see him drop out of a debate that was being moderated again by Megyn Kelly after a debate where she asked him this question.

Now take it how you like, spin it how you like, but simple fact is that Donald Trump DID skip the next debate moderated by Megyn Kelly. Voters! this man can not just skip a debate with Hillary, do you think she will be kind and gentle to him over his record and treatment of women? She will be playing for the female vote. They do make up 50% of the population you know.

This video of Donald Trump making sexist remarks came up with just a simple youtube search. Watch it and ask yourself, what dirt can the Clinton's find on Trump?

Now again the Trump camp has put a spin on this, and perhaps even bought off Brande. Never the less his behavior in this video is disrespectful of women. Is this the man you think will be able to beat a woman in a competition for President?

Remember folks, there has been eight years of a Democrat in the white house. Now since this could change, and with that change things could become de-funded, projects set on hold, a lot of money can be made or lost. How can we as voters be sure the consummate businessman isn't just using his power to throw the election to keep another four years of Democrat policy making in play?

Do you really trust Trump?

Friday, February 19, 2016

Russian Aggression should be used rather than feared

It's election season in America and there has been a lot of sabre rattling from Republican Presidential Candidates looking to appear strong enough to be Commander-in-Chief. I have also read numerous reports stating that the Russian military is rebuilding and Vladimir Putin is playing cold war brinksmanship.

Lets address Russia's rebuilding of it's military. Different reports provide varying numbers, however this graph should give you a close idea of how the world stands in military spending.

Good old US of A is still doing okay. So why all the sabre rattling? Well it seems pretty meaningless to me. It isn't the cold war anymore, so why all the concern over Russian aggression and rebuilding? Well it sells things. Fear of Russia helps people in the military and it's industrial complex wanting new aircraft carriers, fighters, and weapon systems get the money to build them.

Granted Russia and Vladimir Putin shouldn't be trusted as far as we can throw him. However, considering the United States currently out spends Russia in military hardware, I'd say we actually could throw him a long ways.

There is a very real problem in the world though, and that is terrorism. The American public doesn't have the stamina for invading countries and staying there for decades. It also doesn't have the image for it. America in the past has been seen as the liberator and pillar of justice in the world. I ask, why the heck are we tarnishing our good name globally when Russia now is very willing to do it?

They need a reason to rebuild their military and Russia has a lot of weapons we don't want terrorist having. Plus if they think a country is harboring terrorist. They'll simply blow it away. Now I know a lot of people are going to take issue with this saying that Russia is harming innocent civilians. Well people, I'm sorry but those civilians aren't stupid, and if every little country harboring terrorist became afraid their homes would be destroyed, those terrorists would shortly be without support.

War is a nasty business, and frankly it seems American's don't have the fortitude for it until we've been horribly wronged. Such as 9/11, Pearl Harbor, and German U-boats torpedoeing our ocean liners.

I'd like to see a President in office who didn't paint the Russians as the boogyman but instead allowed them to do the dirty work. I've met Russians and they are not bad people. However they are a very aggressive people which would be excellent in the War on Terror. Now of course Russia is backing a different side in the civil war in Syria than we are, and this will allow Russia to grow stronger and more influential. Why do we care?

However America is still an economic powerhouse, we have other way of exerting power and influence that many Nations do not. It would be a breath of fresh air to see a President play to the strengths of America and have enough confidence in our great country that he could see Russia as a useful ally rather than a cold war boogyman.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

US Navy Super Carriers - Tools or Toys?


I just read in a Newsweek article about China's new anti-ship ballistic missile. And there is a debate brewing over the cost of America's super carriers which sit at $13 billion each. The Navy wants three more this year which all together is roughly the cost of Russia's 2015 military budget.

Two issues I would like people to consider. First in reading the article our military says that if they had any fears of one of our carriers being disabled or destroyed they would not deploy it. Reasoning is that carriers are such a symbol of our national power that to lose one would be a disaster.

Another problem to consider is that aircraft carriers are becoming obsolete. The Navy denies this. However think back to World War II when the Navy denied Battleships becoming obsolete. It took Pearl Harbor and the destruction of most of our battlewagons by aircraft to change their minds.

Now China has developed a missile to destroy our carriers. Read about it in this Newsweek article.

Policy makers really should consider the fact that when you hold true to a weapon too long, your enemy will learn to counter it. Perhaps we need to changed our tactics with carriers?

Also if you have multi-billions of dollars invested into military assets that you won't risk losing, they are no longer tools, but toys. If this really is the attitude of the Navy, we should seriously consider an alternative to building super carriers.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Deportation and Immigration - An Un-American Dream

Deportation and Immigration
An Un-American Dream

It was the first battle of World of Warships for the day when some blockhead had to say this:
LordSteve: “Trump in 2016!!!!!!!
Spliff_original: “Time to evict the Mexicans and towel heads”
LordSteve: “I agree, evict them all”
HMSPancake: “Those towel heads and Mexicans do the jobs you lazy ass Americans don’t wanna do so yeah please evict them”
SquirtleSoup: “Evict all the immigrants, if you aren’t native, get out.”
LordSteve: “All those immigrants want is free money and to knock up our white women.”
HMSPancake: “So all white people need to leave, that’s what you are saying.”  

While this is a conversation from a computer game, and certainly not a selection of America’s finest, it made me think of an old friend. As a young man in the workforce I met someone who I worked beside for years. He came to this nation in the back of a truck. He told me how he was crammed in there so tight he was in the fetal position for days. The person next to him was dead. This young man worked hard and got paid less than I. Illegal Immigrants, undocumented workers, or as I call them, economic slaves, don’t get paid overtime and you bet they work it. This young man works sixty, to eighty plus hours a week for regular pay. Why? So his family back in Central America can eat! To pay for his little sister to go to medical school and become a nurse. He works this hard to better himself and his family, to have the opportunity to live life to the fullest. He once told me he hadn’t seen his mother in ten years because he is scared if he went home, he wouldn’t survive the return trip into the United States of America.
This saddens me greatly. I believe in the American dream. It used to be called The Land of Opportunity, where men traveled over land and sea following a dream of bettering themselves through hard work, their merits and accomplishments. It still is that for some. For my friend it certainly is all that. You see my friend is an American at heart.  But sadly the American Dream of opportunity is being denied him. Why?
It reminds me of a bunch of boys who find a great big tree having an idea they build a tree house, where they can be free. To build it they have to recruit others to help. Now that the tree house is large, grand and built, what have they done? They close the main door, denying others equal access until thoroughly vetted and approved as desired club members. However there are things that need fixed, and dirty jobs requiring hard work. The people already “in” make more money elsewhere, even sitting at home doing nothing. So who shows up to do this dirty work? Visiting boys hearing of opportunity to work and feed themselves sneak into the great tree house all to make some money offered by the “in” boys who don’t want to do it. And since these “visitors” can be evicted at any time, because there technically is a “No entry, unless approved” sign posted, some of the boys in the tree house find they can make good money because the “visiting” boys will work for less than an “original tree house boy.” If they don’t, “Out with you!”
Is this the American Dream? Do not deny it has come to this. It’s even evident in our presidential election. Donald Trump says Senator Cruz isn’t eligible for presidential office. Why? Because of his pedigree?
Since when did this great country become one of inspecting each other’s lineage? Think back in history of a great empire to which pedigree was very important. It used to be called Great Britain from which America rose up in arms against and declared itself independent of its injustices. Furthermore do you know what Great Britain did with people who where found dishonorable, or who fell out of favor with it’s society and laws? In other words to it’s outcasts? They migrated or were deported to America.
The United States of America has replaced Great Britain as the world’s super power. It was built and filled with “second chancers” and founded upon freedom to choose to be whoever you wanted to be, to worship your god, and to live life to the fullest you possibly could.
Yet that America is no longer here. We financial enslave those who risked their life for the American Dream; we inspect our Presidential Candidate’s pedigree as finely as an English Aristocrat to see if they are “American enough”.
And to top it off I have to listen to hypocrites muck up my computer gaming time saying things like “evict the Mexicans and towel heads who have come here for free money and to knock up our white women!”
ENOUGH! Face it! We are a land of immigrants, of people with less than perfect backgrounds, and of second chancers! The America I choose to live in is one of honesty! Judging a person on their merits. Not their race, lineage or background!
Do I believe that immigrants should be in this country legally? YES! Do I think they should come here legally? YES! But face the facts that it is NOT the illegal immigrants fault he is here! There is an economy setup for them! Giving them opportunity to feed their families and better themselves! THEY didn’t set it up! If you were starving, working hard as a child of eight years old to stay alive and feed your family, and at times you had to do things like sling the dead smelly carcass of an Anaconda over your shoulders to drag it away from your jobsite because the stink was too much to bear, all for a couple dollars a day, wouldn’t YOU move to a country where you could make hundreds of dollars per day and have better working conditions? Where you could put your little sister through school and give your family a better life? Have a car and an apartment with air conditioning, hot water and good food?
And why should we evict these people? No let’s take this further. Why should we deny these people citizenship? They are in this country for the same reasons our ancestors came to America. Do you think we don’t have enough room? Do you think they will become a tax burden on us? Newsflash, our government in its supreme wisdom already gives them aid and support. We call immigrants leaches but they can’t be anything else because they aren’t able to pay taxes since they are “undocumented workers”. Why is this country being so Un-American in its way of dealing with immigrants? Perhaps because there is lots of money to be made by keeping them that way and being able to deport them at will if they cause any sort of fuss? We’ve built an economy on the backs of illegal immigrants. They pick our lettuce; they fold the linen in our hotels and our resorts, they install our landscaping. They provide services for far cheaper than a “documented” worker and provide employers the chance to skip on paying taxes and benefits. But at what cost? On top of it, because these are immigrants who WE are paying to be in this country to provide services that make our costs lower and help our businesses, it is in essence slavery. Or if you don’t want to agree with that, we have created a working class within our own nation that hasn’t the rights to vote or speak out like their fellow workers. Even though they may work just as hard, be just as responsible, and contribute to our great society just as equally, they have no voice. Therefore we have become as Great Britain in using a people for services to make money, yet denying them representation.