Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Is allowing LGBT people restroom choice discrimination against heterosexuals?

Is allowing LGBT people restroom choice discrimination against heterosexuals?

In North Carolina there is a fight on as to if LGBT members should be able to choose whatever restroom they choose. Okay so lets not discriminate and let them have the freedom to choose right?

So when does giving LGBT people the power to choose become encroachment upon someone else's choice? I do not choose to be bysexual, transgender, nor gay. But were I to walk into a Charlotte restroom and be followed in by a woman claiming to be transgender, when does her choice violate my privacy?

Harp please on how you can't discriminate! it's WRONG! As a nation how much power do you want to give to this band wagon? Lets take this to the extreme. Do you want told that you must have sex with your own gender because other wise it's discrimination right? Well isn't your choice of sexual partners also discrimination? It is, is it not? Oh but having sex has to be consensual. But apparently requiring your consent doesn't extend to who you bake cakes, make wedding arrangements, and take a dump with. Fine!

If we're going to make it the law of the land that LGBT members can choose to enter either a male or female bathroom, lets just get rid of those nasty discriminating bathroom signs! Lets just make it so Everyone does there business in "The Restroom" men and women together, no discrimination, no one gets to choose, you get to decide to go now or wait till you get home. Sound good?

How do you LGBT supporters like that idea? I think it's incredibly fair and consistent.

Otherwise if you disagree you are just trying to give LGBTs MORE power than those who aren’t. When does THAT become discrimination? Heterosexuals follow socially accepted rules, but unless they claim to be a special LGBT snowflake, they don’t get choose.  Is that not discrimination? Example: Straight guy walks into girls restroom where there is an "LGBT" male, how long before you hear the LGBTs saying the straight guy is violating their privacy because he is in a women's restroom? 

Pish what rubbish you may say.......but that is eventually were it leads. People will ride the discrimination and racism wagon till it's exactly reversed, then they will want to argue for the old privacy rules after they get their special exemption.

I’m all for being socially progressive. Lets get rid of those sexually discriminating restrooms! This way it will be fair and safe for everyone! And no girls will have to worry about a perv abusing them because there will be young men, old men, and young women and old women all in there together!

What do you think about that?

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