Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Herambe Gorilla teaches 4-year boy that Disney isn't real life

After you read the articles about this incident at the Cincinnati Zoo it would be easy to get caught up in the outrage of killing an endangered animal, despite that it was done to save a little boys life.

However this nicely highlights a social weakness in America, and to some credit, there is backlash against the boy's mother who you can hear in the video calling inanely "Mommy loves you! Be calm!" as the terrified child is being drug around by the Gorilla in a water filled moat 15' below.

Hmmm.......does mommy love him? Easy to say when fearing for your child's life, but obviously not enough to be unpopular to her son.

Why do you say that? you might ask.

Well it's quite simple. Witnesses report hearing the boy and his mother having an argument, the boy saying "I'm going to go in", the mother saying "No you're not". Well we know who won that argument right?

Well how does this prove my point? Simply, at four years old I never argued with my mother. Many years ago when corporal punishment was still in school our father had invented something his class respectfully called "The Wingbanger".

Schools banned corporal punishment however it never left my family. As a four year old my mother's word was law, there was no question of disobeying.

Other parents admired my mother so much for having such well behaved children! they even sent their kids to be somehow magically "fixed" by her! Ridiculous but true.

 So the problem isn't going to be solved by a lawsuit, nor by higher more 4 year old resistant walls. The problem parents need to face, is loving their child enough to discipline them at the first sign of disobedience. Otherwise your child may one day play Tarzan like a spoiled Disney brat. And when he finds out it ain't fun like in the movies, who's he going to hold responsible in his eyes? 

Parents are responsible for teaching children boundaries, teaching them right and wrong, and about consequences. Yes it's unpopular to make your little kid unhappy when they have done something wrong but grow a backbone because if you don't this is exactly the type of thing that happens.

You want to know why there is so many problems in America? You can blame schools, blame drugs, blame promiscuous Hollywood movies, blame black people, blame white people, churches, religion, gays and straights! You can make excuses for anything! However the most common denominator, we all had is parents.

Some parents just want to be their child's "friend" while other are made of sterner stuff with foresight and conviction that it is entirely their responsibility for a child's actions and upbringing and will do whatever it takes to teach the child sensibility, morals, right from wrong, obedience, and consequences.

Those who don't, are leaving it up to the 400+ pound Gorillas in life.    

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